Sunday, October 26, 2008


We're standing at your door
But you never answer
We show you what we can
But you never see it
We give you who we are
But you can't feel it

We ask ourselves what happend
but we can't seem to know why
Even still we keep going
Even still we stay trying
Even still we keep fighting

Is it Me?
Or is it You?

Somethings will never change...

This goes out to all of US.......


Kaleen Ramos said...

We're standing at your door
But you never answer

. . . maybe it's in the way that you knock that makes them hesitant to answer.

We show you what we can
But you never see it

. . . maybe it's because you can, but aren't willing.

. . . or maybe that you've showed too much of what you can too fast, and lost the element of mystery/surprise

. . . or maybe you could have showed too much of what you can to too many people, and they can't seem to be impressed by it, as you show it to them.

We give you who we are
But you can't feel it

what if who you are isn't what they feel for?

We ask ourselves what happend
but we can't seem to know why
Even still we keep going
Even still we stay trying
Even still we keep fighting

. . . which goes to say whatever it was, was worth going/trying/fighting for, and that it wasn't a mistake . . .

Is it Me?
Or is it You?

. . . maybe its both?

dramo5 said...

what she said ^

R.A said...

I like how everything is a maybe
I like how everything is a possibility
I like how the thoughts of things are the same

It goes to show some things never change...=)

Kaleen Ramos said...

people are unpredictable. life is a giant 'maybe'

its kind of our job to make it decide and choose between a yes or no.

but maybe's are fun. maybe's keep us on our toes. so i also like that everything is a maybe. : )

maaaybe, things WILL change. : )